Relocating to the Florida Keys
The Keys: Get there Before the Next Boom The real estate market throughout Florida as in many other area of the country, looks like a dangerous place with the potential that prices may continue to fall…with the possible exception of the Florida Keys. Yes, it is true that during the incredibly oversold market commencing in 2003 and on, prices within Florida spiked only to come tumbling down during 2007 which continues to this day. This was the inevitable consequence of bad lending decisions coupled with buyers lacking the wherewithal to carry the home. This happened virtually everywhere else in the country. The Florida Keys are Exceptional and an Exception One of the main strengths of that market protecting the Keys from some of the dangers in the current real estate market is the fact that the vacation rental market environment is a life preserver to the real estate investor, despite the fact that many have chosen to reside there on a permanent basis. In other words, many of the p...