Florida Keys Arts and Culture
Fl Keys Arts and Culture The Keys are made up of small towns and communities. However, due to the strong economy from our tourist base, the Arts are a primary part of our culture. Most weekends bring festivals and street parties throughout the Keys and especially in Key West. Photography of wildlife here is great www.dhphotoart.com The Florida Keys Council of the Arts does a great job in supporting Art in the Keys http://www.keysarts.com/ Also see the Key West Arts and historical society http://www.kwahs.com/ Music The Keys Community Concert Band. Susan Bazin 451-4530. Keys Chamber Orchestra. Call Inga-Lisa Wright, 305-744-0508 The Key West Pops, Inc. - 305 293-7658, P.O. Box 6206 Note to musicians-There are about a zillion Tiki bars etc, that have live music. The times range from the afternoon through the evening. The pay is generally better than you'll find working in a regular club in the rest of the country. In addition to that most outdoor venues shut their nusic d...