The Florida Keys: Unblemished, Untainted & A lot better than the Bahamas
The Conch Republic, so referred to as by its inhabitants during a brief scuffle with the federal government in the 80s, offers all year long balmy environment , enclosed by azure green oceans . Having an wonderful variety of hotels , from tenting (I’m not kidding) to self-indulgent opulence , here is the location to visit , especially in this period of economical turmoil . The Keys incorporates literally hundreds of small islands , but they can be more or less broken down into three vacation areas, each featuring a distinct escape adventure . The Upper Keys, The Middle Keys and The Lower Keys (encompassing Key West, the county seat) are definitely the conventional places vacationers describe. Each has a distinctive appeal , although the real caché associated with the Keys, can be described as funky island aura as a rule based in the West Indies. The Florida Keys, however is actually much more than that. Annual vacation I...