Building a Home in the Keys
Building a Home in the Florida Keys
Buying a lot and building your dream home may be the way to go. The cost of building will vary widely from $50.00 per square to $300.00 and up.
Basically lots in Florida as far as price goes will run as follows.
Most expensive
• Open-water—Atlantic or Gulf
• Open-water Inter-Coastal or other Rivers-Lakes
• Canal Homes with Open water views (Bay or Atlantic-Gulf)
• Canal homes-Boat able and quick access to open-water
• Dry Lots—price widely varies based on the community and area.
*As to canal lots and how boat ability affects prices.
If the depth of the canal and the width allows for a 50ft boat or sailboat-it will be more expensive than a lot on a canal that is shallow and usually not as wide. The bigger the boat, the more room needed to turn around.
*Access to open water is another factor that influences prices.
If you’re only minutes (half hour) to good fishing-diving, expect to pay more.
Also homes on shorter canals will generally have better water quality. In the Keys we call these swimming canals. The tides flush them out easier and the water is clear.
For Lot prices on the individual keys contact a REALTOR. The prices will vary depending on depth of boating etc—see information below.
Permit prices and restrictions will vary in each community. Generally the more environmentally sensitive the area is, the more restrictions there are in getting a permit. (Since the water is one of the main reason people want to be here, the state and the communities want to keep it that way.
Buying a lot and building your dream home may be the way to go. The cost of building will vary widely from $50.00 per square to $300.00 and up.
Basically lots in Florida as far as price goes will run as follows.
Most expensive
• Open-water—Atlantic or Gulf
• Open-water Inter-Coastal or other Rivers-Lakes
• Canal Homes with Open water views (Bay or Atlantic-Gulf)
• Canal homes-Boat able and quick access to open-water
• Dry Lots—price widely varies based on the community and area.
*As to canal lots and how boat ability affects prices.
If the depth of the canal and the width allows for a 50ft boat or sailboat-it will be more expensive than a lot on a canal that is shallow and usually not as wide. The bigger the boat, the more room needed to turn around.
*Access to open water is another factor that influences prices.
If you’re only minutes (half hour) to good fishing-diving, expect to pay more.
Also homes on shorter canals will generally have better water quality. In the Keys we call these swimming canals. The tides flush them out easier and the water is clear.
For Lot prices on the individual keys contact a REALTOR. The prices will vary depending on depth of boating etc—see information below.
Permit prices and restrictions will vary in each community. Generally the more environmentally sensitive the area is, the more restrictions there are in getting a permit. (Since the water is one of the main reason people want to be here, the state and the communities want to keep it that way.